Praca: Junior Method Engineer

Junior Method Engineer
Offer aimed at ambitious students and graduates seeking their first top-tier experience in the role.

With Us, You Will:

  • Learn how to optimize processes to maximize the potential of machinery.
  • Understand how to streamline material flows and optimize internal logistics.
  • Learn how to practically eliminate waste (MUDA) in production and increase the efficiency of material usage.
  • Actively participate in HOSHIN, 5S, and SMED initiatives, contributing to continuous improvement in the production area (e.g., modernizing workstations and their ergonomics).
  • Experience the implementation of the latest 4.0 and digital technologies.
  • Master working with the SAP system.
  • Learn to work with production documentation (FMEA, Flow Chart, SP, IP, HSE, etc.).
We Invite You to Apply If You:
  • Are currently studying or have completed higher education (Industrial Engineering or related fields).
  • Understand the practical aspects of Lean manufacturing.
  • Can communicate both in Polish & English.
  • Have good skills in MS Excel (PivotTable, COUNTIFS, XLOOKUP is a start); knowledge of AutoCAD or MS Visio; SAP or similar ERP is a plus.
  • Are available for full-time work (this is not a seasonal position).
  • Enjoy teamwork, are open to new ideas, and embrace change.
We Offer:
  • A Talent Development Internship, based on 15-month employment contract.
  • A performance-based bonus system.
  • Funding for foreign language learning.
  • Training in top companies domestically or internationally.
  • A modern e-learning platforms.
  • Preferential conditions for purchasing a Multisport card.
  • Private medical care.
  • A Private Employee Pension Program (PPE).
  • Subsidized meals in the company cafeteria.
  • Employee referral bonuses.
  • Opportunities to engage in or lead numerous initiatives for employees and the local community.
If you are interested, please send your application by clicking on the button.
Please add the following clause: I agree to the processing of my personal data for the needs necessary in the recruitment process.
  • FORVIA is an automotive technology group at the heart of smarter and more sustainable mobility. We bring together expertise in electronics, clean mobility, lighting, interiors, seating, and lifecycle solutions to drive change in the automotive industry. Youll find our technology in around 1 out of 2 vehicles produced anywhere in the world.
  • We are the seventh-largest global automotive supplier, employing more than 157,000 people in more than 40 countries which makes a lot of opportunity for career development. 
  • We welcome energetic and agile people who can thrive in a fast-changing environment. People who share our strong values. Team players with a collaborative mindset and a passion to deliver high standards for our clients. Lifelong learners. High performers. Globally minded people who aspire to work in a transforming industry, where excellence, speed, and quality count. 

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