Praca: Business Development Manager - Defense Industry

Ogłoszenie numer: 9292505, from 2024-10-08

Business Development Manager - Defense Industry

Location: Warszawa, przy metrze Wilanowska


Job description

We are looking for an experienced Business Development Manager to join our team in a dynamically growing company operating in the defense sector. The person in this position will be responsible for developing strategic initiatives, communicating & acquiring new clients, and executing marketing activities.

Key Responsibilities

  • Market Research: Conducting in-depth market research and analysis to identify trends, opportunities, and potential areas of growth in the defense area;
  • Business Development: Collaborating with internal and external stakeholders to identify and pursue new business opportunities, including potential customers, partners, and markets;
  • Strategic Marketing: Developing and implementing strategic marketing plans consistent with the companys defense objectives, including product positioning, pricing, and promotional strategies;
  • New Product Development: Contributing to the identification and development of new defense products or services initiatives based on market research and industry requirements;
  • Customer Relationship Management: Establishing and maintaining relationships with key customers and partners, leveraging these relationships to secure new business and partnerships;
  • Financial Analysis: Assessing the financial viability and potential return on investment for new defense business opportunities;
  • Project Management: Overseeing the planning and implementation of marketing campaigns, product launches, and other initiatives related to the defense sector;
  • Competitive Analysis: Monitoring and analyzing competitors activities in the defense sector to make strategic decisions.


  • higher education in business, marketing or a related field;
  • experience in program development, business development and strategic marketing in the defense industry - a must;
  • analytical and research skills to identify and evaluate market opportunities;
  • leadership and project management skills;
  • excellent communication and negotiation skills and the ability to build and maintain strong relationships with clients and partners;
  • ability to create and implement effective marketing strategies;
  • knowledge of the defense industry, including its regulations and key players;
  • strong financial awareness and ability to evaluate business opportunities from a financial perspective.

We offer

  • full-time contract (3-month trial period + an indefinite period);
  • co-financing for private medical care for you and your family;
  • life insurance;
  • training budget;
  • lunch card;
  • points in the Cafeteria that you can exchange for anything you want (Multisport card or vouchers).
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