Praca: Paid Internship in Industrial & Systems Engineering / Robotics & Digital Systems

Paid Internship in Industrial & Systems Engineering / Robotics & Digital Systems
Employment based in Switzerland at Cemex Innovation Holding ag, Brügg BE;
Yearly internship program from August 2025 till July 2026
Position purpose


Within Cemex’s Global Development areas, Business Evolution Services (BES) team is responsible for constant evolution of business processes by identifying and addressing business opportunities, priorities & requirements on a global scale and by continuously defining and implementing improved business processes and digital solutions. The team enables comprehensive strategies of Commercial, Supply Chain and Operations Development by driving strategic programs & projects, helping achieve their goals and monitoring respective KPIs. The position will thus provide a general level of visibility to Cemex global/regional business processes.


  • Support specific Business Process Management (BPM) and Portfolio/Project Management activities;
  • Consolidate process documentation to maintain business process inventory;
  • Support/Execute business process mapping and modeling activities;
  • Support BPM training content creation and templates update;
  • Create/modify existing reports or dashboards to current Process & IT needs;
  • Support BPM Program in communication/marketing materials definition;
  • Support business metric analysis and improvement;
  • Monitor BPM adoption and support BPM program metric reporting;
  • Support business analysis for Robotic Process Automation or Process mining activities;
  • Assist in the development of business cases to support implementation of BPM solutions;
  • Perform on demand research on latest technologies, methodologies.
Our requirements:
  • Knowledge of spoken and written English at least B2 level;
  • Student status;
  • Education in the field of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Robotics & Digital Systems;
  • Documents required for application in English: Personal CV, personal letter of motivation;
  • European Passport or ID (Swiss law requirement);
  • Documents nice to have: professor’s letter of recommendation, validation of English fluency.
What can you gain?
  • Monthly salary;
  • Assistance with accommodation upon arrival in Switzerland;
  • 2 weeks vacations per every six months;
  • The student can use the topic of his research internship experience to write his thesis after the conclusion of his internship and together with his thesis advisors, can also publish an article on a refereed journal;
  • Development of your technical and soft skills through mentoring and feedback;
  • Enhancement of your resume and portfolio with real-world projects and achievements.

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