Praca: Travel Advisor with Dutch

Travel Advisor with Dutch
Miejsce pracy: Katowice
Job description:
  • Engage with customers through various channels including phone, chat, and email, handling both inbound and outbound interactions
  • Provide exceptional service by approaching each interaction with a proactive, patient, and understanding attitude, ensuring every customer feels heard and valued
  • Handle sensitive customer information with professionalism and confidentiality, maintaining trust and security at all times
  • Collaborate with a team of passionate professionals, always striving for excellence in delivering outstanding customer experiences
  • Dutch language skills at C1 level and English at B2 level (both written and spoken) – youll be using Dutch on a daily basis.
  • A positive attitude with a genuine desire to help others and create an outstanding experience for customers
  • Availability to work Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • A willingness to work from our modern, vibrant office located in the heart of Katowice, where youll be surrounded by a motivating environment and a supportive team.
We offer:
  • Stable full-time employment based on a contract with competitive benefits (including a benefits system (MyBenefit), private healthcare, and life insurance)
  • A modern, dynamic office environment in the heart of Katowice, equipped with all the tools you need to succeed and grow
  • Comprehensive training – we will provide you with fully paid, hands-on training to ensure you’re fully prepared for customer-facing interactions
  • A supportive international team that values your contribution and encourages professional development at every step
  • Endless opportunities for growth and career advancement – Whether youre looking to climb the career ladder or explore different roles within the company, we believe in promoting from within
  • Team-building events to foster a collaborative work environment
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.

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