Praca: Senior ABAP Developer

Senior ABAP Developer
Key job opportunities and accountabilities:
  • International SAP Custom/Standard development projects. 
  • Full-cycle development and implementation. 
  • Product development projects.
Working with a full stack of cutting-edge technologies, platforms, and solutions:
  • SAP S/4HANA on-premise and Cloud editions.
  • SAP C/4HANA Suite including SAP Marketing Cloud, SAP Sales Cloud, SAP Commerce Cloud, and SAP Service Cloud.
  • SAP Ariba (implementation and integration projects).
  • SAP Cloud Platform including Cloud Integration/IOT/Leonardo product portfolio, etc. SAP HANA Native development.
S/4HANA (Cloud/on-premise) integration with different cloud products such as:

SAP Cloud Platform, SAP Cloud Portal, SAP Mobile Platform (SMP 3.0), SAP SuccessFactors, SAP Jam, SAP Cloud for Customer, SAP Hybris Commerce Suite, SAP Cloud for Planning, SAP Ariba, and SAP Fieldglass. You will have a chance to take effective educational programs and study the technologies you have a lack of experience in. There is an opportunity to get certified in multiple application areas.
  • 5+ years of experience in the relevant field.
  • Experience in one or several SAP Industry Solutions, e.g., SAP Banking, SAP for Insurance, and SAP for Oil and Gas.
  • Experience in one or several SAP Business Solutions, e.g., SAP Manufacturing and SAP EWM.
  • Experience in one or several SAP Products, e.g., SAP CRM, SAP PLM, SAP SCM, and SAP SRM.
  • Object Oriented ABAP; Knowledge of ABAP stack (NW 7, 7.3, 7.4, and further).
  • Understanding of NW Gateway and OData/REST services.
  • Knowledge of ABAP Core Data Services.
  • Expertise in Business Object development frameworks (BOPF, BOL, and others).
  • English: Intermediate or higher.
  • German will be a plus.
Beneficial skills:
  • Knowledge of other corporate systems, such as Oracle E-Business Suite, MS Dynamics, or 1C.
  • Acquaintance with SAP Fiori Design Guidelines.
  • Knowledge of web technologies, such as HTML5, SAPUI5, CSS3, JS, JQuery, Ajax, Node.js, etc.
  • Young and friendly team,
  • Corporate and social events,
  • Social package (additional medical insurance, Multisport or sports activities compensation, etc.),
  • Free English and German courses.
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.

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Senior ABAP Developer

Key job opportunities and accountabilities: International SAP Custom/Standard development projects. Full-cycle development and implementation. Product development projects. Working with a full stack of cutting-edge technologies, platforms, and solutions: SAP S/4HANA on-premise and Cloud editions....

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