Praca: HR Business Partner

At CEVA, we believe that logistics is a people business, that’s why we create an environment of trust and team spirit - we encourage initiative and we empower our talent to grow in their careers. We are supply chain experts and live and breathe it every day. We offer a broad range of services in Contract Logistics, Air, Ocean and Ground management thanks to our 78,000 employees, operating in more than 160 countries. At CEVA, we are passionate about our work and the value we deliver to our customers and as a company, we are growing at a fast pace - do you Dare to Grow with us?
HR Business Partner
Job location: Magnice
  • Drive execution of HR processes in respective region: performance management, compensation reviews, talent reviews, development and succession planning
  • Guide and support Line Managers in operational implementation of above processes and activities.
  • Manage workforce (both permanent and temporary) fluctuation and optimization
  • Advise and assist managers and employees on interpretation and application of code of conduct and disciplinary procedure
  • Advise managers on the impact of employment legislation on working practices
  • Understand the talent needs of the business and manage recruitment accordingly
  • Communicate organizational culture to employees
  • Identify and manage critical HR metrics
  • Prioritize across HR needs
  • Manage conflict in the organization
  • Quickly respond to changing business environment
  • HR generalist experience and knowledge (as minimum from recruitment/workforce management and performance management are a) gained in service oriented and/or production organization
  • At least 3 years of experience supporting large workforce (min 100 headcount)
  • University diploma
  • Being able to apply workforce management knowledge, innovation, leadership and metrics use to achieve results
  • Being driven by “can do attitude”
  • Being pragmatic and business-oriented person
  • Good communication in English and Polish (both verbal and written)
  • Enjoying fast changing and demanding business environment
  • Being able to effectively prioritizes and organizes workload, multi-task is essential
  • Demonstrating personal integrity when handling confidential information
  • Good working knowledge of MS Office programs with experience in ERP system operating
We offer interesting, quite independent HR job in global organization with multiple development opportunities, friendly work atmosphere & market competitive package (bonus, private medical care, life insurance, benefit system) 

As a global organization, and as part of the CMA CGM Group, diversity is critical to our business success; only when we can reflect the cultures, languages, behaviors and local knowledge of our customers, we can succeed. By employing people with different experiences and abilities, we expand our knowledge and increase our creativity and innovation.

Please note: Legitimate CEVA Logistics recruitment processes include communication with candidates through recognized professional networks, such as LinkedIn or via an official company email address: We recommend that you do not respond to unsolicited business propositions and/or offers from people with whom you are unfamiliar.

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