Praca: Paid Internship in Building Materials Chemistry

Paid Internship in Building Materials Chemistry

Employment based in Switzerland at Cemex Innovation Holding ag, Brügg BE;

Yearly internship program from August 2025 till July 2026

Position purpose


Sustainability is a highly important topic involving research and development of new products and solutions for the different challenges CEMEX has as a key global player in the construction industry. In alignment with this priority, the focus is on identifying and testing sustainable sources of raw materials, as well as on developing eco-friendly construction products.  


  • Identify new sustainable/circular sources of raw materials for construction products;  
  • Discuss with raw materials suppliers;
  • Characterization of Raw Materials with different analytical equipment
    (XRD, TGA, XRF, etc.); 
  • Participating actively in the development and testing of eco-friendly construction products;  
  • Writing test reports.
Our requirements:
  • Knowledge of spoken and written English at least B2 level;
  • Student status;
  • Education in the field of Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, Chemistry, etc.
  • Documents required for application in English: Personal CV, personal letter of motivation;
  • European Passport or ID (Swiss law requirement);
  • Documents nice to have: professor’s letter of recommendation, validation of English fluency.
What can you gain?
  • Monthly salary;
  • Assistance with accommodation upon arrival in Switzerland;
  • 2 weeks vacations per every six months;
  • The student can use the topic of his research internship experience to write his thesis after the conclusion of his internship and together with his thesis advisors, can also publish an article on a refereed journal;
  • Development of your technical and soft skills through mentoring and feedback;
  • Enhancement of your resume and portfolio with real-world projects and achievements;
  • The project will take place in a scientific, safe, supportive, highly innovative and friendly environment. 

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