Pracownik montażu mebli

Zakres obowiązków: Składanie mebli skrzyniowych (kuchnie, garderoby) zgodnie z rysunkami technicznymi. Przygotowywanie mebli do transportu. Montaż zabudowy w siedzibie firmy oraz u klienta inwestora. Czego od Ciebie oczekujemy? Doświadczenia w montażu mebli i umiejętności czytania...

Konstruktor mebli

Zakres obowiązków: Tworzenie dokładnych rysunków technicznych oraz wykonawczych mebli na wymiar. Dokonywanie analizy i interpretacji dokumentacji projektowej. Innowacja i implementacja nowych technologii w projektowanych produktach. Prowadzenie nadzoru nad dokumentacją techniczną, w tym...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...


Twój zakres obowiązków: rozładunek i przyjmowanie wyrobów gotowych dostarczonych do magazynu kompletacja zamówień i przygotowywanie towarów do wysyłki rozmieszczanie i układanie materiałów w magazynie wydanie i załadunek towarów prowadzenie dokumentacji magazynowej obsługa terminala...

Starszy statystyk

Warunki pracy Oddział w Toruniu mieści się przy ulicy Mickiewicza 10-16. Administratorem budynku jest Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych Oddział w Toruniu. • Jest to budynek wolnostojący pięciokondygnacyjny, częściowo podpiwniczony. Wejście główne znajduje się w narożniku...