Główny specjalista

Warunki pracy Warunki dotyczące charakteru pracy na stanowisku i sposobu wykonywania zadań Czynniki szczególnie utrudniające wykonywanie zadań: krajowe wyjazdy służbowe, zagrożenie korupcją, częste reprezentowanie urzędu na zewnątrz Czynniki szkodliwe dla zdrowia: praca przy monitorze...

Główny specjalista

Warunki pracy Warunki dotyczące charakteru pracy na stanowisku i sposobu wykonywania zadań: Praca biurowa przy komputerze Zagrożenie korupcją ze względu na możliwość kontaktów z osobami fizycznymi i prawnymi pozostającymi w relacjach biznesowych ze spółkami, których dotyczą...

Główny specjalista

Warunki pracy Warunki dotyczące charakteru pracy na stanowisku i sposobu wykonywania zadań Pracownik wykonuje czynności o charakterze: - statycznym, związane głównie z pracą przy biurku i komputerze, - dynamicznym, związane głównie z poruszaniem się po terenie KPRM oraz poza nim....

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...

Online English teacher for kids with Polish language

Why All Right? Flexible working schedule, which you choose on your own: full time /part-time/ on weekends only Stable and competitive reward + a flexible bonus system. Bonuses add up to 10% for each lessons pay! Fun interactive lessons with our custom software and pre-made curriculum. We provide...